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World Antibiotic Awareness Week – 12-18 November, 2018

Each November, World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW) aims to increase global awareness of antibiotic resistance and to encourage best practices among the general public, health workers and policy makers to avoid the further emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance. Since…


Biovitae® adheres to the World Antibiotic Awareness Week

Biovitae adheres to the World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW-World Antibiotic Awareness Week, 12-18 November, 2018), organized by the World Health Organization. The initiative has among its objectives to raise awareness on the issue of antibiotic resistance, as well as to…

Pillole Antibiotici

Italia maglia nera d’Europa per le infezioni senza cura

Ogni anno un paziente su dieci si ammala a causa dei batteri multi  resistenti. “Alcuni antibiotici non servono più perché ne abusiamo”. Negli ospedali si aspet tano i nuovi farmaci ma i tempi lunghi per la   sperimentazione e i tagli alla…

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