The peer-reviewed article on the results of tests carried out by the Celio Military Scientific…
BIOVITAE® in the International database of the Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)

The BIOVITAE® technology has now its own universal code and is recognized as a microbicide technology by all Healthcare Organizations and Health Ministries across the world.
The Global Medical Devices Nomenclature is updated by the GMDN Agency, whose nomenclatures are used in the European Data Bank for the Surveillance on Medical Devices (EUDAMED), created by the European Commission.
The GMDN has issued a new code related to the BIOVITAE® technology in the international database of medical devices, with the following definition:
Name: Blue-light germicidal device
Definition: A lighting device that emits light in the blue wavelength region of the visible spectrum (i.e., Soret band) intended to destroy microbes (e.g., bacteria, viruses) in an indoor environment. It is designed to be installed in a conventional lighting system, for use in the home or in a clinical setting. This is a reusable device.