The objective of the white paper is to present the difference in efficacy between an…

Tests have shown that Italian technology neutralizes the virus
These are the results of the tests carried out on the effectiveness of the LED Biovitae technology on SARS-Cov2 by the Scientific Department of the Celio Military Polyclinic in Rome: the patented multi-frequency peak of BIOVITAE killed 99.8% of the SARS-CoV-2 virus then has therefore proven effective on viruses as well as on bacteria, spores, molds and fungi, with an action that causes – unlike UV rays – irreversible damage to the structure of microorganisms. Further tests are ongoing on other viral species as Yellow Fever and Pandemic Influenza (H1N1).
“The structure of the Scientific Department of the Military Polyclinic of Rome has continuously employed all its staff since the beginning of the Coronavirus emergency and has started a series of research in collaboration with other agencies that have led to sequencing the viral genomes responsible for the covid-19 disease, in collaboration with the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS).
The tests, which are currently underway on this device, in favor of public health – in collaboration with the Italian company Nextsense – take on particular importance considering the need to control the spread of the virus by sterilizing and sanitizing surfaces and environments.
Broaden tests will be conducted as part of a multi-center study involving other European military laboratories (Germany and Sweden), under the coordination of the Scientific Department of the Military Polyclinic of Rome.”
BIOVITAE is the only patented lighting technology, LED and totally UV free, which, while emitting a natural white light, exerts a microbicidal, virucidal and sanitizing action on all existing microorganisms without any risk for living beings, even following continuous exposure.
BIOVITAE sanitizes surfaces and environments without making them sterile, therefore it guarantees real and effective protection of people and animals because, and this is another substantial difference with UV rays, it is totally safe for continuous use even in the presence of living beings and can be used in all environments, safeguarding the natural resilience of our immune system.
“We are very satisfied with the results – explains Mauro Pantaleo, president of P&P Patents and Technologies, the group that developed the patent. Following the pandemic, we found fundamental support from the Military Healthcare and, for that, our special thank you goes to the superior hierarchies, who believed in the project, and to all the staff of the Scientific Department of the Celio Polyclinic for their qualified and constant assistance. We believe, at this point, that BIOVITAE is one of the most effective tools to combat SARS-CoV-2 and a valid support to safely restart the economic and social activities after the pandemic. This news comes immediately following another one: BIOVITAE was nominated by UNAIDS among the thirty innovations able to contribute to the achievement of the SDG3; and this fills us even more with pride”.
“The possibility that Biovitae could also be effective on viral species has grown over time – says Rosario Valles, inventor of the technology with Carmelo R. Cartiere. BIOVITAE was invented with bacterial infections and antibiotic resistance in mind and we had never thought of testing its effectiveness on viruses as well. Viruses are life forms that need other living beings to replicate themselves, as they use other cells as a ‘photocopy center’ to replicate their genetic material countless times. The structure of the SARS-CoV-2, and of the Spikes in particular, partially recalls the structure of a bacterial membrane: hence the idea that irradiation with the Biovitae frequencies could have made the SARS-CoV-2 to undergo the same type of molecular stress already verified on bacteria. We started our game aware that nature always has the counter-move in store and we therefore placed ourselves like chess players trying to predict each opponent’s move in advance.
The tuning of the technology was therefore designed so that light could simultaneously attack multiple points of the microorganism” concludes Valles.
BIOVITAE, is a Hi-Tech solution resulting from an entirely Italian patented technology and registered at the Ministry of Health as a Class I Medical Device.
For further information, the publication of the preliminary work is available at the link below:
BIOVITAE®️ – Patents and Certifications
Patents: WO2017179082 and WO2018020527
GMDN: as a Class I Medical device, it has the only “LED microbicidal technology in the category Blue-light germicidal bulb/lamp” entry specifically created in the GMDN (Global Medical Device Nomenclature) database.
EC Declaration of Conformity: it guarantees that BIOVITAE is compliant with the safety requirements in accordance with European Directives.
Patent holders:
P&P Patents and Technologies works in the field of translational research with the aim
of developing solutions for the prevention and control of infections. It is a member of the
POPS IS – _Private Organizations for Patients Safety – _Injection Safety, a working group established and coordinated by the World Health Organization to promote the collaboration between the private sector and the Institutions, to improve healthcare practices for the prevention of infections.
Nextsense is an “extra muros” research company that works in the field of translational research with the aim of breaking down the gap between the results of pure research and the application of the best scientific experiences to everyday life.